Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Well, day one of FOW 2012 is in the books.  Everyone is in bed and I'm headed off the bugle rank practice... it's going to be a long night.  Just wanted everyone to know - your fish are fine.  They have a pretty taxing day of meetings tomorrow... the challenge will be to stay awake in all of them.  I enjoyed talking with everyone this afternoon and am looking forward to getting to know everyone better in the future.  I wanted to wrap up today with the quote that my mom used in her discussion.  "Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is doing it scared." -Jill Briscoe



  1. Garrett, this is a great idea! I sure wish we had this when our student was a fish. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  2. Garrett,
    Thank you for your courage!
    Your BLOG is a great idea and one I will follow closely. I know my PISS HEAD along with the rest of the Wolf-Pack is in good hands.
    Beverly Tash

  3. Thanks Garrett for creating this blog. I'll be looking forward to your news and pics.
