Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I need a fish

"I need a fish" is a statement that brings freshmen running.  This statement means a senior needs a fish to help him pull off his boots.  Because senior boots are custom made and knee high, it is close to impossible to remove them by yourself.  Freshmen look forward to pulling senior's boots because it is one of the few times they can truly bond with the upperclassmen.  In addition to getting treats, candy, drinks and small snacks, the seniors typically ask about the fish's day, how things are going and any concerns they may have.  Some of my fondest memories from fish year were pulling boots and being allowed to watch 10 minutes of Sports Center during the day.  One day when you are curious, ask a fish how they actually pull the boots, because there is a method to the madness.  It seems like fish Fry is my personal boot puller because he is the only fish in the dorm when I get back from class every day.  I don't even have to tell him anymore, I just walk by his hole and knock on the door as I go past and he shows up at my room about a minute later.  Freshmen have been pulling senior boots since cadets have been wearing them and I don't see this tradition going away anytime soon. 

In case your cadet hasn't told you, this weekend is going to be crazy.  We are loading the bus at 2330 hours on Friday night.  We are then driving through the night to arrive at a hotel in Mississippi around 0900.  Then we are eating brunch and changing into our uniforms.  At this point we are getting back on the bus for the 3 hour drive to Oxford.  After the game we are driving back to the hotel, arriving around 0130ish and then having breakfast at 0730.  We are then getting back on the bus for the 9 hour drive home.  We are scheduled to arrive around 2000 hours Sunday evening.  And then class again on Monday.  Long busy weekend, but this is how memories are made.

Remember "Today is going to be a good day.  Why?  Cause I said it was."  Same goes for the weekend.

In Relentless Pursuit,

PS - We went on a 4 mile run this morning and are planning on a 5 miler next Wednesday.  The freshmen are catching the upperclassmen's excitement about the run goal.  It really is a honor and joy to lead the block when the Wolf-Pack is on the move.

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