Thursday, March 7, 2013

9 miles? Sure, we'll even make it back for formation.

This morning was super motivational for everyone.  We went on a nuke run (9 miles) and totally smoked it.  We had the option of skipping formation and just going to eat, but when I polled everyone mid run - the only cheer was to go to formation and show the rest of the band outfits that 9 miles was nothing for A-Co.  In fact we would run 9 miles and still make it to formation.  I think that the impressiveness of this feat might be lost on some because we had a nuke run last semester.  My First Sergeant put it well today after the run.  He told everyone that we had done something that most people will never do in their life and had done it in about an hour and a half.  Think about that.  He was right, not very many people go on 9 mile runs.  And even fewer make it back to formation.  I am incredibly  proud of the people that went on the run this morning.

Speaking of runs, the A-Co half marathon is approaching quickly.  The run will be held on Sunday March 24th at 7.  Everyone that has a tie to A-Co is invited.  Last year when we came up with the idea of an outfit half marathon we decided to take baby steps in order to not overwhelm our abilities.  The steps were: outfit, outfit past and present (to include families), and outfit plus public.  As we are still in the process of working all the kinks out, there is no registration or t-shirt at the end, but we would love for you to come and either run or support your runner on this day.  Afterwards we will be having a BBQ hangout behind the dorm.  Please don't expect the same quality of food as the football games due to everyone running, so the menu is hot dogs with chips and water.  The outfit will provide the food, all you have to do is show up!

We have been doing extremely well in our endeavors.  Recently we ran bloody cross, a three mile race on the Quad.  Traditionally band outfits do terrible at this event, but this year we ran exceptionally well.  We finished with a raw score of 21:04; for those of you keeping score that is a 7 min mile pace.  After a few penalties (from people not signing out properly, not anybody running) our official time was 21:34, good enough for 10th place!  We totally blew away the rest of the band and the majority of the Corps.  As of now we have also retained the #1 position in GM.  We were inspected this week and had .36 cuts per cadet.  Last semester we had around a .41 ratio.  This is proof that we have not stopped improving.

It will be fun to see how the rest of the semester shakes out.  I hope to see you in two weeks at our "Run with the Wolf-Pack" half marathon.


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