Sorry that it's been so long since my last post, but I got distracted with life. I just wanted to catch you up a little on what's going on and also share some excitement with you.
Since we last talked, we have learned at A-Co was number one in the Corps in regards to inspections and about 14th in grades. We were number one in the band for inspections and PT, and second in grades. The band prides itself as being the best major unit on the Quad and I feel like we have a very strong argument that we are the best outfit in the band. During previous years we would make that argument but not have a whole lot to back it up; well this year we have the numbers. Like I told the outfit last week, we are on the cusp of greatness. We are right where we need to be to be competitive with every other outfit in the entire Corps. But like I told the outfit as soon as I said that, we can not get complacent or proud or take our foot off the gas and expect a great first semester to carry us. It doesn't matter what happens before halftime, it matters how you finish. We have to continue pushing to the wall. Just ask Michael Phelps if it pays off to push to the wall instead of coasting. Copy and paste this link to see what I'm talking about (
Parents, I want to challenge you. Make it a point to encourage your kid to finish strong. Past success doesn't do anything for you today or tomorrow.
On another note, I am super motivated by our run this morning. We went on a 2.5 mile Combined Band Run in C's and T's. (That means we wore fatigue pants and combat boots) As you can imagine it's a lot harder to run wearing this than our normal shorts and athletic shoes. Normally we run at the front of the formation because of our name - A-Co. The order is usually ACO, BCO, ABATT, BBATT. Only today the order was reversed, so we were running at the back. Word on the street was that we were at the back so we didn't "run off and leave everybody behind." I actually heard another outfit say that! That makes me super excited, but I'm even more thrilled that we only had a total of 3 people fall out of the run. Every other outfit had lost over 3 people before we had even gone half a mile. I'm not lying when I say that the other outfit easily lost over 25% of the people they started with. And as they fell to the side, ALL of A-Co ran by. I am always proud of the outfit and the effort they everyone, fish-Zips display on a daily basis, but I was extremely proud this morning. Make sure you ask your child about this run and what I had to say afterwards. I'll just tell you, I was super jacked and I think everyone knows it. It was a great morning.
I'm excited to see where this semester takes us. Like I told everyone, we are right there. We are going to attack this semester and take what is ours. We're locked and loaded and already running. Are you?